Wednesday, August 17, 2011

who doesn't love corny?

Some might know that yes, I love writing no matter what it is. Whether it be Poems, Songs, or just random stuff.
In this one I kind of tried a combination of stuff.
The inspiration came to me randomly one night. I was listening to the song "Bound To You" by Christina Aguilera and I just thought of something to write. So I paused the song, opened up word, and then started on it. I pretty much got it all down in 10 minutes. Plus another 30 minutes of revising and editing and trying to make it make sense.

I usually don't like to tell what my poetry is about. Most of the time they are very metaphoric. So that way, no matter who reads them (if anybody even does read em') Can kind of interpret it in their own meaning instead of me putting the meaning into their heads. For this one I did normal poetry but in the middle and end it has a part in quotation marks. I tried to emphasize that it was some one's thoughts or words in those parts. Of how they feel about stuff. And I kinda wrote this about one of those fucked-up high school relationships. Ya know, the good ol' "Oh my god! I'm 16 and I found the man I want to be with forever! (or vise versa) I love him/her so much!
then 2 weeks later they break up... I mean, sometimes they make it a month or half a year or something random. But sometimes even after high school everyone thinks that the person they with IS the one. When in fact that's not always true.
This is pretty much saying it takes time. You can't put the seeds in the soil, water it, and then at that moment say that your flowers are the most beautiful in the world. It needs time to grow and develope into what might become the most beautiful in the world.
...It's a bad analogy but just go with it

One touch, true love
Bound in a spell
Thinking to know, forgetting the smell
Of time, and truth
That it takes time to grow into beauty

One breath away
Doesn’t mean it’s all right
Two steps too close
Will have you holding too tight

“I’m holding on to this love
It’s one I finally trust
I am satisfied to have my only one”

“I’m as high as I can ever be
                Nothing will take it away
                I am meant for you
                I’m in love with you”

Too much, so young
Fighting through all the tears
Knowing to think could make it clear
There’s no one out there that can build the fire
That burns so deep and pure

Two breaths away
Feels like a thousand apart
Just one more tear
To drown a broken heart

“I’m holding on to this love
                It’s one I finally trust
                I am satisfied to have my only one”

“I’m so high, I will never fall
                Nothing will take you away
                I am meant for you
                I’m in love with loving you through all the fears
    All the lifetime I got to spend with you is coming near
                How far is the fall? How will I know when it’s love?”

I decided to end it there, right after that question.
But why is that? - as if someone might some day ask me...
Because that question. "How will I know when it's love?"
...No one can answer that question. Everyone has a different meaning and different feeling of what it is, what it feels like, or how you know it's there. All I know is that you will know when it's love... As corny as that sounds. But who doesn't love corny?

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