Wednesday, August 3, 2011

a part of it

So everyone has those things that they go to when they need entertainment or laughter. For some maybe it's funny youtube videos, for some maybe it's playing with the cat with your laser pointer or putting duct tape on your cats feet.

(Note: I play Starcraft 2, I think it's an amazing game. It's as competitive as anything else on the planet, it really gets your brain working and it's a great deal of fun)

For my entertainment and laughter I turn to this guy.
And this man is of course known as                                                 Sean "Day9" Plott

For those who is unfamiliar with him. He basically has this online TV show about starcraft 2. He talks about Starcraft 2 in depth and breaks it down so people can try and become a better player. He has a video on youtube "If you just look up day9 and go to his channel" that talks about his life and how starcraft influenced it. It's actually very interesting as nerdy as that sounds. But hey! Nerds kick ass!

Anyway... Day9 isn't just a starcraft teacher.... He is HILARIOUS! He's so random and so energetic. He is one of those people that you just can't not like. I hope to one day meet him and get his autograph and a picture with him because to me that would be like meeting and getting a photograph with a movie star or something.
But yes, if you are into starcraft and don't know who day9 is then look him up! And if you don't play starcraft.... Then play it! And then watch day9 because he's a badass.

Anyway... (I say that a lot)
He's my laughter bringer and entertainment whenever I am bored or other reasons that I can not think at the moment.
What's yours?

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