Monday, August 29, 2011

30 minutes is all it takes

This one just came to me. In less than 30 minutes I had it all written down. I think those are the best kinds.

You can pray for every moment
You can cry for what you left behind
You can saver every heartbeat
Or dream until the end of time
If your heavens burst
If your world burns down in flames
If you have no one around
Then there's none but you to blame
For all the things we thought impossible
For what we thought we'd never gain
For the dances in the sunlight
And all the kisses in the rain
So the times you feel of sorrow
Pretend they were never times at all
Because the next time they will meet you
Is if your burning down in hell

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

who doesn't love corny?

Some might know that yes, I love writing no matter what it is. Whether it be Poems, Songs, or just random stuff.
In this one I kind of tried a combination of stuff.
The inspiration came to me randomly one night. I was listening to the song "Bound To You" by Christina Aguilera and I just thought of something to write. So I paused the song, opened up word, and then started on it. I pretty much got it all down in 10 minutes. Plus another 30 minutes of revising and editing and trying to make it make sense.

I usually don't like to tell what my poetry is about. Most of the time they are very metaphoric. So that way, no matter who reads them (if anybody even does read em') Can kind of interpret it in their own meaning instead of me putting the meaning into their heads. For this one I did normal poetry but in the middle and end it has a part in quotation marks. I tried to emphasize that it was some one's thoughts or words in those parts. Of how they feel about stuff. And I kinda wrote this about one of those fucked-up high school relationships. Ya know, the good ol' "Oh my god! I'm 16 and I found the man I want to be with forever! (or vise versa) I love him/her so much!
then 2 weeks later they break up... I mean, sometimes they make it a month or half a year or something random. But sometimes even after high school everyone thinks that the person they with IS the one. When in fact that's not always true.
This is pretty much saying it takes time. You can't put the seeds in the soil, water it, and then at that moment say that your flowers are the most beautiful in the world. It needs time to grow and develope into what might become the most beautiful in the world.
...It's a bad analogy but just go with it

One touch, true love
Bound in a spell
Thinking to know, forgetting the smell
Of time, and truth
That it takes time to grow into beauty

One breath away
Doesn’t mean it’s all right
Two steps too close
Will have you holding too tight

“I’m holding on to this love
It’s one I finally trust
I am satisfied to have my only one”

“I’m as high as I can ever be
                Nothing will take it away
                I am meant for you
                I’m in love with you”

Too much, so young
Fighting through all the tears
Knowing to think could make it clear
There’s no one out there that can build the fire
That burns so deep and pure

Two breaths away
Feels like a thousand apart
Just one more tear
To drown a broken heart

“I’m holding on to this love
                It’s one I finally trust
                I am satisfied to have my only one”

“I’m so high, I will never fall
                Nothing will take you away
                I am meant for you
                I’m in love with loving you through all the fears
    All the lifetime I got to spend with you is coming near
                How far is the fall? How will I know when it’s love?”

I decided to end it there, right after that question.
But why is that? - as if someone might some day ask me...
Because that question. "How will I know when it's love?"
...No one can answer that question. Everyone has a different meaning and different feeling of what it is, what it feels like, or how you know it's there. All I know is that you will know when it's love... As corny as that sounds. But who doesn't love corny?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

hottest guy ever?

"So who is one of the hottest guys ever?" Someone might ask me randomly.
My answer might very easily be Adam Lambert.

If I had to choose to marry any one guy it would be him. I mean look at that! It would be really hard to resist.
He has such an amazing voice. It has that rock n' roll feel to it that I love. He has that scream that is badass and a huge stage presence which makes lookin' at him even better!

But one thing that I just absolutely LOVE about him is his hair! The way it's done is just my favorite style ever. I don't even know what to call it but it's amazing! (Can you believe he use to be a redhead?)

Plus his sense of fashion (especially in the top 2 pictures) is awesome. Again, that rock n' roll clothing. The leather grey jacket with the studs, fingerless leather gloves, tight leather pants, long V-neck shirt, nail polish, plenty of accessories, and (which you can't see) he wears awesome rocker boots!

I would die for a wardrobe like this. I would wear this every single day and rock peoples cocks off!

...So all of this makes Adam Lambert the hottest guy ever?

Friday, August 5, 2011

talking tats

I've always wanted to get a tattoo.. I think they are beautiful (if done for the right reasons). along with piercings (if done with the right fashion).
My only problem is I don't know what I want. That's why I'm not getting one as of right now, I'm waiting until something comes in my head and I know for a fact that I want that as an idea. I don't want to look for the idea. those people who get the stupid pointless tattoos. Like barbed wire around the wrist, or a fiery skull on the back of their neck, or pointless graffiti up their arm. I don't like that. I think it's stupid and pointless. Why put something on your body that will be there forever, if the only reason you got it is because "it looks cool" when in fact it doesn't.
That's why I greatly adore and respect this woman...

Kat Von D
Not only is she gorgeous.
But to her all of her tattoos mean something. Her body art tells a story of her life, of her experiences, of her inspirations, of her loves.
That's just amazing to me.
And also, a couple things I have to point out...
Just look at that hair!

How does that not kick ass?!
Also, the vibe she gives off just through pictures
She has that badass rocker look but she doesn't look trashy. Ya know what I mean?
Out of all fashion that I like in girls. The top one I'd have to say is badass rocker. With the tight leather, tattoos, maybe piercings, a wild hair due, and excess amount of accessories. (the rocker look, not slut look) That's my kind of girl!

But the thing she has to have to top it all off. "The Cherry on top of the cake" or however it goes.

A heartful smile that just makes you happy, that makes you smile just by the sight or thought of it, and that makes you never want to look away.
Also, a warmful heart that makes you happy, makes you smile just by the sight or thought of them, and that makes you never ever want to walk away.

I'm pretty sure those are the two things everyone looks for in someone. And I'm pretty sure some people don't have those things. (Like all the heartless assholes in this world these days).

But the only thing is.
Do you wait for her/him, or do you search for her/him?
How do you know if she/he is the one?

Answer: No one knows. Just got to live life and find out for your self.
The last half of this had nothing at all to do with the first half, it kinda veered (spelling?) off into something completely different.

Oh well, I'll try harder next time...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

a part of it

So everyone has those things that they go to when they need entertainment or laughter. For some maybe it's funny youtube videos, for some maybe it's playing with the cat with your laser pointer or putting duct tape on your cats feet.

(Note: I play Starcraft 2, I think it's an amazing game. It's as competitive as anything else on the planet, it really gets your brain working and it's a great deal of fun)

For my entertainment and laughter I turn to this guy.
And this man is of course known as                                                 Sean "Day9" Plott

For those who is unfamiliar with him. He basically has this online TV show about starcraft 2. He talks about Starcraft 2 in depth and breaks it down so people can try and become a better player. He has a video on youtube "If you just look up day9 and go to his channel" that talks about his life and how starcraft influenced it. It's actually very interesting as nerdy as that sounds. But hey! Nerds kick ass!

Anyway... Day9 isn't just a starcraft teacher.... He is HILARIOUS! He's so random and so energetic. He is one of those people that you just can't not like. I hope to one day meet him and get his autograph and a picture with him because to me that would be like meeting and getting a photograph with a movie star or something.
But yes, if you are into starcraft and don't know who day9 is then look him up! And if you don't play starcraft.... Then play it! And then watch day9 because he's a badass.

Anyway... (I say that a lot)
He's my laughter bringer and entertainment whenever I am bored or other reasons that I can not think at the moment.
What's yours?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

the trumpets sound

I just recently wrote this one not too long ago. It all came to me in about 5 minutes. Those are the best ones I think. Some might think "The more time you take on it. The better it's got to be".
I think it's better if it just comes to you. Because I think it's your subconscious emotion or something that kind of makes someone feel a certain way or something... I don't know! I'm just sayin' stuff.


The trumpets sound while flowers fall down the line
After tears and cries, now coated in black and white
They will all disappear as the memories unwind

The second beat holds the clock in a rhythm
A few seconds of time to break the patterns of rhyme
Of which shouldn’t be there to begin

Monday, August 1, 2011

a voice to inspire

Lately I've been in a musical mood. I've been listening to music, writing music, writing songs, playing music, thinking about how my future would be if I could "be like them."
I love to listen to the uniqueness, soulfulness, and the effortlessness in peoples singing voices. It's the voices that when I hear it I just think "Wow! Where do I learn how to do that?" It just has to come by nature; not practice. But it doesn't hurt to be greatly inspired by the amazing voices.

One of the big inspirations is Steven Tyler; the lead singer of Aerosmith.
His voice I'd say is one of the greatest voices in rock n' roll history. From Dream On to Cryin' to Don't Want To Miss A Thing. His voice is just unbelievable along with his vocal range. He can hit those high notes higher than any female I've ever heard in my life. Also, I am a very fashionistic person. And I have to say that Steven Tyler also has probably my favorite sense of fashion. If I could dress like anyone all the time it would definitely have to be him. With the rags, all the accessories, and the best part. His hair! If you look at the latest pictures of him and look at great shots of his hair. He has awesome feathers in it with beads and all these accessories in it that just make it look freakin' amazing! Now that's the kind of hair I want.

Another huge, yet more recent inspiration of voice is Christina Aguilera. First off she is just down right beautiful and she has one of those voices that when you hear it everyone just thinks to them self "Wow!" When she sings you can feel and hear so much emotion coming out of her voice that it draws you into the song more (a lot more on her later stuff than her early 20's pop stuff).
She stars (like I mentioned before) in one of my favorite movies; Burlesque! Although of course she doesn't sing the songs live in the movie it's still her singing and she really does sing that good live. She sang the national anthem last Superbowl I believe. And she did mess up the lyrics which everyone was freaking out over. When I was listening to it I didn't even realize she messed up. Her voice was so good and drew me in that I didn't care what words she was singing. I just loved to hear the voice. And that is still the best rendition of our national anthem that I have ever heard in my life.
Also in Burlesque and in real life as well; I love her sense of fashion as well as Steven Tylers! Especially her hair and makeup. If I were a girl I would base my sense of fashion and hair off of her.

As of now those are my big two inspirations. They will probably change in the next few months. But eh, oh well.