Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I would just like to take a moment to give thanks to Sean Plott (day9).
Some might recognize him as a Starcraft 2 caster, entertainer, genius, pro player, teacher, or whatever else that's Starcraft related. I also recognize him as a huge inspiration.

There was a time a few weeks back where I was feeling stressed about work, money, schooling, my future, and just a lot of different things. I was just downright feeling down on my self. This was of course until I saw Day9 Daily #342.

In that video (or 3 part video I guess) fans asked him questions and he answered them. It's that simple. But he also said some stuff that inspired me to just be happy and be okay with all this stress.

Sean Plott has a degree in math. Someone once asked him "Why did you get a math degree?" and he simply just said "Because I like it" .. That's it.. That simple. That was the start of this whole inspiration thing. He then went on saying that whatever it is that you want to do make sure it's something you love to do and just do it. Don't give it a second thought like "Oh, what if it doesn't pay that much in the future or I don't like it" or whatever your doubts might be. If you like it then just do it. It's that simple. And that's one thing that I really respect about Day9. He takes life and enjoys it to the fullest. He makes everything as simple as it can possibly be.
Another person asked him a question that I can't remember but he went on to talk about stress and problems. (I think the question had something to do with his always-extreme happiness) He said that he looks at life and all of it's problems like it's a big gust of wind. Some people try to push against it, fight it, and they struggle to get through it. Day9 imagines himself poking a punch of holes in him self and just letting the wind flow through. All the stress, or problems that come he just let's it happen. Because if you don't just let it happen it's still going to be there no matter how much you fight it. Fighting it will just make it worse by putting strain on your self. Just let it happen.
That right there just made me open my eyes. It might not be as inspirational on text but the way he puts it and being able to see him say it with his expression is just extremely inspirational to me as you might imagine.

There was another question asking about one of his good friends "Cambria" if I'm spelling it right. They just asked about her and Day9 proceeded to talk about her. And the thought of her got him so emotional to the point of tears from what she means to him.
One day Sean was having a bad day. I forgot exactly what he said went on in this day but he was just having a horrible day. He ended up getting so stressed and mad that he just threw everything in his room and destroyed his room. He called up Cambria and told her everything that happened and all she said to him was "That's Okay" and that's it. When Day9 was telling everyone about her response after he told her everything that happened he just teared up saying how she is just so nice. She doesn't try to give him therapy. She doesn't try to talk him through it. She just understands him and tell him that it's okay.
So I guess some of my inspiration comes from her...? That inspired me to just try and be the nicest person in the world to everyone I can. I want to be a person that when someone thinks about something I did for them or just thinks about a certain thing that I did they tear up in pure positive emotion. I was so inspired that I want to be as big of an inspiration to other people as Day9 was to me.

So even though Day9 will probably never ever read this. I still just want to say...
Thank you Day9 for being who you are.

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