Tuesday, September 28, 2010

broken dreams

the dark cold nights
of broken dreams
the things you thought that mattered
trying to see
or never at all
that your broken dreams
could be lingering on forever

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

i know

Yes, I know my blog is quite boring. Not very interesting I guess. I'm always blank so I never know what to write these days.

Monday, September 13, 2010

just a couple words

I sometimes wish I could go back in time to make a few changes, to say just a couple words, to fix the mistakes that took me until now to realize. But not matter how much I beg, no matter how much I could ever wish this was all just a dream. I can't make up for the things I should of done. So maybe it's better to just wonder how things could of been, rather than being disappointed on the fact that it can't change.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

breath of a scent

the longest touch
the sightless view
the tasteless love
of distorted words
lingers on forever
or holds a bullet close
the sound of a shot
will leave it all in tears
thinking wrong over right
blaming guilt over truth
having fear over feeling
only to die over and over again
-pretty much all my poetry i like to use a lot of metaphores and exadurated thought. So each one can be broken down in a different meaning depending on person